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Convenience is killing the planet and you. We’ve all got to drink water but our desire for convenience when we grab a single-use plastic water bottle is a bigger inconvenience to your health and the planet.

Here we will explore our societal and personal relationships with convenience and environmental protection in specific regard to single-use plastic? What role do our personal actions play? How should we balance convenience and personal protection? What effect is plastic having on your personal health? How about the environment’s health?

Gettysburg College is a small liberal arts college in Adams County, PA that faces the same challenges as any other college: balancing the convenience of plastic use and the value of environmental protection. Listen to my WZBT radion minute to get a glimpse into why bottled water is not as healthy as you may think, why the current recycling system is not the answer, and how this impacts Gettysburg College students.

WZBT Radio Minute. Hosted by Alexis Jones with Co-host Christopher Trilleras.

Single-Use Plastic at Gettysburg College

What is single-use plastic and when and why do you use it?

It is rare to find a person who does not know, especially in this day and age, that when it comes to environmental protection reducing plastic use is a big step in the right direction. However, for the majority of people in the world, it is used on a daily basis. Understanding the impact of our reliance is a key step towards reforming our personal and societal plastic use.

Photo taken by Alexis Jones. Single-use plastic water bottles and other goods offered at Bullet.
Photo taken by Alexis Jones. Single-use plastic offered in Bullet is the only option available for students.

Why Do Gettysburg College Student’s Use Single-Use Plastic?

Where did the reliance on single-use plastic come from and why use it today?

The use of single-use plastic stems from convenience, but its reliance is due to pressure and continued advertisement from companies. Understanding the history of single-use plastic and how we became reliant on it is important to breaking our reliance on it and learning why we need to push back at companies who have made us think we need single-use plastic.

Gettysburg Student’s Perspectives on Plastic

Why do you use plastic? Why do we use plastic?

No matter your justification, you are most likely not alone in why your reason/s for using single-use plastic. No matter our background or education level, we all have different motivations for single-use plastic and no one is perfect, especially in a society that promotes plastic use.

Photo taken by Alexis Jones.
Photo taken by Alexis Jones.

Recycling Process

Is the solution recycling?

Reuse, reduce, and then recycle. When should we recycle? What can we recycle? Is recycling effective. The recycling system is broken. Here is why we can not rely on recycling to save our planet.

Can You Spot What’s Wrong Here?